Welcome to Brancaster Care Homes, we provide the finest quality care for elderly residents requiring nursing, residential accommodation particularly focusing on those residents suffering from all types of dementia related ailments or conditions
Consulting Those in our Care
All homes have regular service users meetings in order for us to keep everyone up dated with anything that is going on in or around the home.
This will also give the residents the chance to express any personal views as to how they feel about care issues and activities within the home.
All residents will have their care plan regularly reviewed by the senior team monthly and a formal review with families or advocates every three – six months depending on the wishes of the residents/relatives or if health needs change.
All residents are encouraged to comment on the quality of care provided. An annual quality questionnaire will be given to service users and families. A report will then be formulated and forwarded to all on the outcome and action taken as a result of the exercise.
Homes Grange have a complaints procedure, which is included within this document as a separate article.