Welcome to Brancaster Care Homes, we provide the finest quality care for elderly residents requiring nursing, residential accommodation particularly focusing on those residents suffering from all types of dementia related ailments or conditions
Confidentiality between Brancaster Care Homes and our Clients
Trust is an integral part of our ability to provide consistent high standards of care and as such it must not be broken.
A person‚’ trust is not a right but a special privilege, which means you must exercise care and thought in your handling of confidences. You must never divulge a confidence placed in you by a service user, colleague, relative etc.
Only where the nature of the confidence may have a detrimental impact upon the standard of care should you consider passing it on and then only to the Registered Manager, never anyone else.
The Registered Manager will determine the best way to handle the matter.
These high standards of confidentiality apply just as much to information recorded in care plans and client records.
Breach of confidence may constitute gross misconduct and as such may lead to dismissal of staff involved
This does not affect your right regarding whistle blowing, for which we have a separate policy, which protects your right to expose unsound practice without detriment to yourself