Welcome to Brancaster Care Homes, we provide the finest quality care for elderly residents requiring nursing, residential accommodation particularly focusing on those residents suffering from all types of dementia related ailments or conditions
Social Activities for our Residents
These are arranged for the enjoyment and quality of life of those in our care with the intention of reflecting their interests, wishes and capabilities.
At least twice a year, we meet to discuss with those in our care, staff, friends, relatives etc. any social activities they would like to have arranged. We keep a record of these meetings to confirm who was there, what was agreed etc. This, of course, does not prohibit suggestions at any time which we thoroughly welcome.
Planning and arrangements are then made to implement the activities programme, which is
communicated and explained to everyone in various ways.A written list is kept of what activities, interests, opportunities for community contact etc. are available and who to contact to take advantage of them. The person to contact is a nominated named person known as our activities organiser. This person knows how to decide upon, organise and implement ”activities”.
The particular activities, interests etc. of the Service User are recorded on their care plan. Families are especially invited to assist in providing some historical data on which interests and hobbies are favoured by the service user, where service users are unable to provide this information themselves.
Whilst we encourage participation in suggesting activities and being involved we recognise a
person‚” right not to partake if they do not want to.
Spiritual needs are also taken into account and church services are arranged according to need and availability of the religious leader